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I grew up playing tennis and
have been playing
recreationally for the past
couple of years :) A goal of
mine is to get to 3.5 by the
next season. I definitely have
room for improvement in my
serve and net play but I can
hold a good rally with
moderate speed.
Not a
competitive person but playing
a few sets can never hurt!
1North Toronto Memorial Community Recreation Centre
I grew up playing tennis on a
regular basis but stopped
playing after high school.
Since then I have had a child
and now that he is 4 I would
like to get back into it. I am
a bit rusty so a great rally
is ideal for me at the moment.
I've been playing tennis off
and on since I was a kid. Got
back into it this summer
playing about twice a week,
but I'd like to keep the ball
rolling into fall, maybe
playing a little bit more
even. My favorite routine is a
nice warmup then a set, but
I'm also happy to work on
ground strokes or play other
mini games.
Learned to play 2 years ago;
have joined a few local
tournaments since then. I
usually play at least 2x a
week. Visiting Toronto for 10
days and want to keep playing
- game for hour-long
I recently moved to town and I
would love to get back into
playing. I can rally but I
have not played competitively
yet. I would like to be more
competitive with the right
players. I am available week
days an weekends.