Here at I Love Tennis, we’ve made use of some common tennis terms, and invented our own
Tennis Lingo specific to the site. Check out our complete
Lingo and
Symbol legend
below to get to know the icons, symbols and terminology that make their happy home on our
Tennisology - Your “
Tennisology” is a description of your playing style, tennis history,
and what you’re looking to get out of the game.
Tennis Buddy - A "
Tennis Buddy" is an I Love Tennis user that has been added to your Buddy list. This is someone with whom you play regular matches or want to stay in touch.
Playtime - Your
Playtime is the top 3 playing times that you choose when setting up your I Love Tennis profile. These are the times that work for you to play tennis. You can choose from Mornings, Afternoons, Evenings, Late Nights, Weekends, Weekdays, or Anytime.
Favorite Courts.
Favorite Courts is your selection of up to 5 preferred club/public court locations in the city that you choose when setting up your I Love Tennis profile. These are the courts that are convenient for you.

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These icons appear beside each court listing and on every court page. They describe the space/setting and features of the courts at this location.

Indoor Court

Outdoor Court


Community Centre

Public Court

Private Club

Carpet Court

Asphalt Court

Hard Court

Wood Court

Clay Court

Grass Court
