Hi there! I am looking for a
female tennis partner in
Woodbridge/Vaughan area. My
level is between 2.5 - 3.0,
but I am hoping to improve it
by playing a lot of tennis
games! Week nights anytime
after 4pm or sometimes on the
Please message me
here or e-mail at
Would like to improve overall
fitness and have fun on the
court. Looking to work on my
serve, play matches...will
need to brush up on the rules
:) Looking to spend about 1-2
hours any weekday (evening) or
weekends. Vaughan, Brampton
Non competitive preference.
Would love to play more often
during the week, mornings are
ideal. Beginners are welcome.
Singles or doubles are ok.
Male or female. Just want to
play mostly for fun and keep
in shape. Prefer to stay in